The Five Minute Journal, with its minimalist design and thoughtful prompts, has garnered a devoted following of millions worldwide. But what sets this journal apart from the rest? From gratitude exercises to thought-provoking reflections, discover how this humble journal is revolutionising the way we approach personal growth and self-reflection. So grab your pen and join the movement—because perhaps, all it takes is five minutes to change your life?

Recent musings

The Five Minute Journal, with its minimalist design and thoughtful prompts, has garnered a devoted following of millions worldwide. But what sets this journal apart from the rest? From gratitude exercises to thought-provoking reflections, discover how this humble journal is revolutionising the way we approach personal growth and self-reflection. So grab your pen and join the movement—because perhaps, all it takes is five minutes to change your life?

The Five Minute Journal’s Remarkable Revolution

5 minute journal revel singapore ann thomas

In an era dominated by digital pings and endless notifications, the allure of a blank page has never felt more revolutionary. Have you noticed this intriguing paradox: The more privileged among us, those who ostensibly have the means to savour leisure, find themselves ensnared in the relentless pursuit of productivity.

Archer & Olive Notebooks: An In-Depth Review

Ann's books

Resilient: A Story of Group Home Survival
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With honesty and vulnerability, Jeremy sheds light on the failures of the foster care system while also highlighting moments of hope and human connection. A compelling read that leaves you with a renewed appreciation for compassion and t...
Before the Coffee Gets Cold
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Time travel here is a metaphor for confronting the past, gaining closure, and cherishing the memories, both joyous and bittersweet. This introspective detour sheds light on the novel’s true brilliance. It becomes a metaphor for the yearn...
The Ramayana: A New Retelling of Valmiki's Ancient Epic
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Forest Bathing with Dharma: Ramayana still resonates Sure, it's got ten-headed demon kings and monkey armies that could out-leap any Olympic athlete. But beneath the fantastical surface lies a story that's surprisingly relatable. It's a...