Ann Leary’s haunting novel, “The Foundling,” took me on a chilling journey through a forgotten chapter of American history. Inspired by a true story, the narrative unfolds in 1927 and centers on Mary, a young woman who finds employment as a secretary at The Nettleton State Village for Feeble Minded Women of Child Bearing Age—yes, […]

Recent musings

Ann Leary’s haunting novel, “The Foundling,” took me on a chilling journey through a forgotten chapter of American history. Inspired by a true story, the narrative unfolds in 1927 and centers on Mary, a young woman who finds employment as a secretary at The Nettleton State Village for Feeble Minded Women of Child Bearing Age—yes, […]

Unveiling a Dark History: “The Foundling” Grapples with Eugenics in America

Often mistaken for a rogue dandelion with commitment issues, this little sunshine-hued trooper gets a bad rap. Relegated to the status of “lawn invader” by manicured green thumbs, the coat buttons flower is, well, an absolute beauty in my eyes. It may not be everyone’s cup of tea (or chamomile, in this case!), but for […]

The Coat Buttons Flower: A Tiny Rebel with a Global Passport

Ann's books

Resilient: A Story of Group Home Survival
really liked it
With honesty and vulnerability, Jeremy sheds light on the failures of the foster care system while also highlighting moments of hope and human connection. A compelling read that leaves you with a renewed appreciation for compassion and t...
Before the Coffee Gets Cold
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Time travel here is a metaphor for confronting the past, gaining closure, and cherishing the memories, both joyous and bittersweet. This introspective detour sheds light on the novel’s true brilliance. It becomes a metaphor for the yearn...
The Ramayana: A New Retelling of Valmiki's Ancient Epic
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Forest Bathing with Dharma: Ramayana still resonates Sure, it's got ten-headed demon kings and monkey armies that could out-leap any Olympic athlete. But beneath the fantastical surface lies a story that's surprisingly relatable. It's a...

With honesty and vulnerability, Jeremy sheds light on the failures of the foster care system while also highlighting moments of hope and human connection. A compelling read that leaves you with a renewed appreciation for compassion and the potential for positive change.

Resilient: A Story of Group Home Survival

Resilient: A Story of Group Home Survival by Jeremy Bracamontes

Just be warned, it might leave you yearning for a second chance, a chance to revisit a cherished memory, or simply the courage to express that long-overdue “I love you” before the metaphorical coffee gets cold.

A Second Look: Before the Coffee Gets Cold Brews Up Poignant Regrets

A Second Look: Before the Coffee Gets Cold Brews Up Poignant Regrets

This ancient Indian epic, with its star-crossed lovers, epic battles, and yes, monkey warriors, might seem as relevant as a chariot race on Orchard Road, But beneath the fantastical surface lies a timeless meditation on love, duty, and the enduring power of a good banana fight (seriously).

Forest Bathing with Dharma: Why the Ramayana Still Resonates

hey, I'm Ann


Finding the extraordinary in the everyday: food, stories, hidden wonders, and the language of flowers.

Workshops & Gatherings

Art diary


2024 Reading Challenge

2024 Reading Challenge
Ann has read 7 books toward her goal of 20 books.

A savoury stir-fry featuring crispy tofu, fresh green beans, and aromatic shallots, all tossed in a rich sesame-soy glaze with a hint of ginger and black pepper.

Soy-Glazed Tofu with Green Beans